Human Services Network of CO

Community-wide resources for the human services industry.

The Human Services Network of Colorado—aka The Network— is a nonprofit organization dedicated to offering workshops, training, networking and resources to empower those who work in the human services industry.

Visual Identity
Identity Kit
Collateral Design
Web Design
In collaboration with Bianca e Nero
Visual Identity

The Network's original identity focused on themes of community and helping hands, but their impact goes much deeper. Primarily serving other local nonprofits and their team members, the training and resources that begin with The Network produce a radiating effect throughout the community, like ripples in water.

Website Design

The Network was utilizing an antiquated website which served as a good tool for event management, but fell short on explaining the value of engaging their workshops and community. Bianca e Nero developed a refreshed strategy and narrative which we brought to life in the site design, emphasizing the "why" behind The Network's offering.

Project Team
Brad Todd
Yannick Nelson
Anna Ristvey
Bianca e Nero
Agency of Record